Friday 7 November 2008

Seeking Order: They've Scot to be joking!

Teach English in a "wee bit o’ Scotland right in th’ midst o’ China" - the following caught ma eye a few days ago:
ARE YE A SCOT, or kin ye speak Engalish tae yer fine Scottish stan'arts? Do ye fancy some Neeps 'n' Tatties iver Sunday? If ye answered "Aye" ta a' thiz quistions, Yer Wee Mickle O' Engalish, a wee bit o' Auld Alba in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, seeks ta engage sturdy and depen'able Engalish teachers! ... Read full advertisement.
Wee Mickle O'Engalish offers its Chinese clients English taught as spoken in Scotland as well as full immersion in Scottish culture.
It looks like a fascinating place. However, some might be offended by their controversial equal opportunities policy. Three photos indicate those people who need not apply: the sort that attend music festivals, sex tourists and homosexual men. According to the website, this school "wuld nae hire such pairsons tae guard dead cats"!

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